Many podcasts start with a teaser — an episode that is only a minute or two long that tells what the listener can expect from the show.
Many years ago, I felt God “give” a verse to me one Sunday while in church. As the pastor read the passage, the words jumped off the page to me.
The passage is Luke 5:1-11. Otherwise known as Jesus Calls the First Disciples.
Jesus begins growing his ministry by calling a group of fishermen who had nothing to show for all the time they had invested.
They were spent, exhausted, and broke.
BTW, this scene was depicted brilliantly in The Chosen series (
The verse that jumped out to me was “…Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch” (NIV).
In other words, “Now that I am here, try again.”
…and we’ve been telling the story ever since.
The purpose of Deep Water Labs is to learn when and where we can experience the life-changing moments like Simon experienced all those years ago.
Moments where Jesus comes into your life, turns it upside down, and takes you on the ride of your life.
Do moments like this still happen today? Are they available to us?
Dive in. Let’s see what He has in store.